אני זה מי שאני חושבת אתה חושב אני I AM WHO I THINK U THINK I AM я это то что я думаю ты думаешь= я
אישה שהולכת בחוסר צניעות, היא גם מצד עצמה המפסידה הגדולה, כי היא מאבדת את השפע הגדול, שראויה היתה לקבל, ו והיא מחזקת את הכוחות השליליים , של הגברים בכך שמהרהרים בה , או חושקים בה, וכחות אלה יונקים את השפע שלה הפנימי, והשפע של חייה., קרי מאבדת את חיותה, באמצעות , לא עלינו הפסד פרנסה, בעיות בריאות, בעיות עם ילדים, עם הבעל שלום בית וכו. וכמובן שמעבר לפסד הפרטי שלה, גם הגבר רחמנא לצלן, גם מפסיד , כי הוא מאושם בסיבתה, דבר שיכול לגרום לו לירידה גדולה בקדושתו ופגם שמירת הברית.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
We mourn and we cry but what else can we do?...In the merit of the righteous women we were redeemed from Egypt-In the merit of the righteous women we will be redeemed from THIS Galut(exile) as well...
Chazal have taught that it is b'zchus nashim tzidkaniyot, in the merit of righteous women that we were redeemed from Egypt. The same is true today, it will be in the merit of righteous women that we will be redeemed from this Galus as well.How does one define a righteous woman. A righteous woman is one whose life is not a reflection of the times in which she lives, rather her life is a reflection of the Torah. Her beauty is in her piety and modesty; in the courage that it takes to live a life of Torah no matter what the situation in which she finds herself. A righteous woman carries within her the lessons of generations. She learns from Sarah the importance of building a home and making it a place for all to feel comfortable. From Rivkah that one act of kindness can lead you to an incredible life. From Rochel that selflessness can bring you great children. She learns piety and the anguish of motherhood from Channa who watched all of her seven sons be killed for not accepting the non-kosher meat Antiochos offered them. She learns bravery and courage from women like Yehudis, who slayed a Roman General and from Deborah the Prophetess who led her people into battle. And from Ruth that a life of modesty can bring you the greatest of descendants. Kol kevudah bas melech penima. The honor of the king's daughter is inside - in her home and inside herself. Her honor lies in her modesty. A true princess doesn’t need fanfare, her royalty is evident by the way she dresses, the way she carries herself. It’s the same with the daughters of Am Yisrael. They must also carry themselves modestly, in their way of dressing and in their approach to the world. We can probably learn a lot from our ancestors in terms of fashion, but I think we learn even more from them by studying their actions and deeds. Women in Jewish history, whether leaders of the nation or leaders of their homes, were never simple. They were proud, strong and courageous. They worked diligently to guide their families and the nation in the path of Torah. The purpose of this feature is to bring these women who lived so long ago, just a little bit closer to us. We will begin with Chava, the first woman and continue on following the timeline as much as possible. If there are any specific women you wish us to feature, please write to us. If there is information on a woman we profiled that you would like to share, please do so. In the merit of the righteous Jewish women in Egypt we were redeemed from slavery. It will be through the actions of righteous Jewish women today and in the years to come that will be redeemed from this exile and be brought to the light of Moshiach. Note: I have tried my best to give over the mefarshim the way they were written, any mistakes are my own. Please accept my apologies if I have inadvertently been incorrect in my interpretations. Chumi Friedman |
כיסוי ראש כהלכה - הרב אליהו אדיר שליט"א
כיסוי ראש כהלכה - הרב אליהו אדיר שליט"א
כיסוי ראש כהלכה - הרב אליהו אדיר שליט"א
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A Letter to a Dear Sister
A Letter to a Dear Sister
This letter need Genizah
Wigs - According to all opinions it is forbidden for the wig to look as a person’s natural hair, whether it is a full `pe`ah’ or just a partial piece. It is quite known that there are no wigs today that do not perform the same act of beautifying as the natural hair does. Also, there is no bride in the entire world who buys a wig that is less beautiful that her own natural hair. And as we all know the majority of wigs are more stunning and attract attention in their performance of beautifying the person who is wearing it even more than her own hair would do for her.
HaRav Yisroel Salant would always say instructing against an outbreak of a calamity, that if one does not have any hope in correcting the disturbing problem, then the only possible way to correct it is to learn the laws concerning that particular calamity. To clarify the laws and the study of the wig you can call: 02 – 5825891.
It is written in the sefer, “P`er Hador” (3rd. book, page 223) that when the Chazon Ish Z”tl, arrived in Eretz Yisroel he found that our people were not keeping the `mitzvah’ of `Sh`mita'. He encouraged and strengthened the teaching and studying the laws of `Sh`mita’ in the study halls of the Yeshivas, because by the study of its laws that problem would eventually be corrected. And Baruch Hashem, it was corrected and today the laws of `Sh`mita’ are properly kept.
More is brought from the sefer, “P`er Hador” (2nd book, page 81) about how the Chazon Ish z”tl, answered a yeshiva student’s question. The student’s question was, “If it is forbidden to use electricity on the Shabbos, then why is electricity used on Shabbos in the Beis Medrash of the Yerushalmi Rav from the Adah Hachareidis?”
The Chazon Ish explained in the manner and fashion of a `m`chanech’. 1. Concerning a law and its rules, we never take into account what we see others do, even concerning a great Rav. We only have to be concerned with and know exactly what is written in the Torah. 2. The prohibition does not apply to the electric company of Yerushalayim, because its owners and workers work only by the hour and they are not Jewish. (This is how it was under the British mandate.)
The Chazon Ish, z”tl:
According to the greatness of caution a woman applies to the `tznius’ of the covering of her hair, so is the amount of greatness of her fear of Heaven.(P’er Hador, 3rd. book, page 18.)
This is the quotation from “Orchos Tzadikim”: “The woman, who adorns herself before men, inflames and excites their hearts with thoughts of desire,This becomes a very great sin for her, because her actions cause many others to become corrupt and sin.” (At the beginning of the "Gate of Pride".)
This is a quotation from Rabeinu Yonah, “The `tzniusdika' -modest woman must be careful not to attract the attention of others, but only that of her husband, and all other men who gaze at her face and hands will descend into `Geheinum’. Because she did not conduct herself modestly and caused others to become corrupt and sinful, she will be punished. She will be punished `midah k`neged midah', for each and every person that she caused to be punished, (Letter of T`shuva, 78, ובד"א – נ"ח))
Nissim Karelitz Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg Shmuel Halevi Vozner Shimeon Bendy
Shlomo Zilberstein M. Z. Luria Chaim Yechial Rotman
The `P`sak’ of all the Gedolei Yisroel
Concerning the wigs of our time that everyone knows and is aware of is that the perfection in the manufacturing of wigs improves from day to day. And they have already become more strikingly attractive than real hair, causing obscenity in our camp.
At a survey of the importers and distributors of wigs, they all unanimously said that there was not one single wig in the world that did not resemble human hair. The factory that produced such wigs would be closed down immediately with a lock and bar.
So wrote Hagaon, Hakodesh, The Steipler, Z”tl, ((קריינא דאגרתא ח"ב אגרת קכד ע"ש באריכות
…"And if it is true what is written concerning the instructions forbidding in the sefer of the Gaon, Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin, Z”tl, (נמצא בסימן רי"ג that the wig that resembles human hair is forbidden according to everyone’s views, etc.) they should comply with the words of the Gaon, Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin, z”tl, and they should contact the Rav, Reb….in Yerushalayim, She should be rebuilt, who is involved in correcting the short comings of our people….and here it had never been heard from anyone that there was a wig that didn’t look like a wig." And these are the words of our Rabonim, Gaonim, in their public announcements from the Gaon, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and to a good long life, the Gaon, HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv, and the Gaon, Rav Shmuel Halevi Vozner, and the Gaon, Rav Nissim Karelitz and many other Gaonim and Rabonim who publicly announce against the wigs that resemble human hair. (In the booklet, “There is nothing more beautiful than the modesty” that was published by “The guarding of the Holiness and the Education” “And the Guarding of Life”, from the Beis Din Tzedek"ק קד Bnei Barak בנשיאות Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Halevi Vozner, Shlita, and Hagaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz, Shlita, page 12, in the educational `kovetz’ “Hatzneah Leches”, page 96.
And it says, “The obligation of covering the woman’s hair is a `D`reisa’. The Gaon Rabbi Avraham Teomim in his Sha`alos and T`shuvos, “Chesed L`Avraham” wrote: “The primary cause of the prohibition is the obscenity that is caused when she adorns and beautifies herself before men…From then until today, the covering of the head was used to promote modesty in the woman. However today the wigs… cause directly and straightforwardly the removal of shame from the woman’s natural modesty…”unintentionally changing the modest women of Yisroel to become enslaved to the designers of fashion. They make our Torah into a fraud .and abuse the thing that was especially made for the woman’s covering and modesty, as a means for attracting and receiving attention, ultimately causing failure among our people." (Column 13, page 97) Eight paragraphs are brought there from the above mentioned Rabonim, and in the third paragraph it is explicitly written that there is no `heter’- permission for any wig that resembles human hair.
Also the Gaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, said, “If it resembles human hair, it is true that it is a simple deduction that it is definitely forbidden, there is no difference of opinion. And the Gaon Rav Gedaliah Nadl, Shlita, ((זצוק"ל said, “Even if not one `Posek’ of our past generations forbid, today in our time, not one of the `Poskim’ would permit the current wigs. Ask every little girl in the street and she will tell you if it is permitted or forbidden.
And there in the educational `kovetz’ at the end of page 103, according to the rulings of the Gaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z”tl, who proved from the words of our teacher, HaRav Yeshoshua Leib Diskin,זצוק"ל that even those `Poskim’ who permit the wearing of wigs do not permit the wearing of those wigs which resemble human hair.
In the sefer “Om Ani Choma” of the Gaon HaRav M. Gross, Shlita, (אח"ע ח"א ס" נ"א ס"ב סקמ"ט ב"ברח נחמח" אות ב ס"ק תס"ב) he quotes the ruling of Hagaon Diskin, that there is absolutely no permission for the wearing of wigs that appear as human hair, the same as the above words of Hagaon the Steipler and Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach.
In “Moda`ah and Azhara”, all the Rabonim of Gur, י"ד רוסט חיפה ש.זילברשטיין ב"ב צ. אברמוביץ חצור מ. זילברשטיין י-ם נ. פייגנבים ת"א מ. וולקוביץ ערד י.ד. גרוס אשדוד י. פישביין פ.ת. א. זילברשטיין קרית גת פורסם בנל חבחמ" , ruled that all wigs worn by married women which cause them to look single and not married, are absolutely forbidden. This announcement was sent to all the Chassidic homes.
The Gaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z”tl, always expressed (and also the Mashgiach, Hagaon HaRav D. Segal, Shlita, would mention this in his sermons): “Why are they complaining that in the previous generations our women wore wigs? Is it not so that in the previous generations the wigs resembled steel wool, stubble, and straw?
And to a good and long life, Hagaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv, Shlita, said to someone who was entreating him to reveal his opinion on the issue, “Why do you ask me for my opinion, will you heed what I say” And after that person had entreated him and explained that he really wanted to know, Hagaon HaRav Eliyashiv, Shlita, said, “The majority of `Poskim’ forbid, there are two or three that permit, but even they did not intend the permission of today’s wigs.
And this is the wording of the proclamation that was publicized on behalf of the `Gedolei Hador’ and the Chassidic Rabeiyim. Grand Rabbi Reb Yechial Yehoshua from Biyala, Grand Rabbi Reb Yosef Adler, Av Beis Din, Turdah, Grand Rabbi Binyamin Zilber, Grand Rabbi Reb Moshe Mordechai Bidderman, from Lelov, Grand Rabbi Yochanon Sofer, from Erloi, Grand Rabbi Reb Nachman Kahana from Tifinka, Grand Rabbi Reb Shmuel Halevi Vozner, Grand Rabbi Reb Yitzchok Tzvi, the son of Reb S. Y. Bernfeld, and Grand Rabbi Reb Yitzchok Shlomo Unger, Grand Rabbi Reb Noson Geshtetner, (the Beis Din Tzedek, Bnei Barak) Grand Rabbi Reb Moshe Yehoshua from Vishnitz, Grand Rabbi Reb Yisroel Alter from Gur): “And lately because of our many sins our generation has become spiritually weaker and consequently our married women have begun wearing wigs that appear as natural hair, different styles and types, that their mothers and grandmothers had never worn, and now it appears as if the women are going publicly with their own uncovered natural hair, `chas v`shalom! Behold we feel the obligation is upon us and we are obliged to announce and enlighten the people with the opinion of our Holy Torah, because the issue is forbidden by law. And even in the places where they permitted the wig to be worn, they never dreamt that women would be wearing wigs such as ours of today. One transgression pulls another transgression in its wake and in this situation there is no permission.”
And as every little baby knows, to our sorrow, there is no bride today who will don her wig the day after her wedding and appear more modestly dressed in it than she did in her own natural hair before her marriage ceremony. It happens to be just the opposite. Rachmono Litzlan
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mp3/video player - -click here to hear a: beautiful song for women and a true Story סיפור אישי
the last war:
Chanukah?What did Maccabim fight for?What are we fighting for in -the last war: EMET vs. SHEKER / TRUTH vs. QUASI-TRUTH ie FALSEness-can 6*6=11.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999?
just like there can be no 6*6=almost 12, the same,there is no almost TRUTH. The Truth does NOT require any MASQUES....AND THIS IS WHAT WE SEE RIGHT NOW...THE TIME BEFORE THE COMING OF MASHIACH...BEFORE THE WORLD'S "END" AS WE KNOW IT. Hashem is showing us the real faces of the people...and it's not enough to have a "good" person COVER-UP or to wear a "religious" COVER-UP...for those that do...And's it's not enough to do CHESED/ KINDNESS. EMET & CHESED must go together!
just like there can be no 6*6=almost 12, the same,there is no almost TRUTH. The Truth does NOT require any MASQUES....AND THIS IS WHAT WE SEE RIGHT NOW...THE TIME BEFORE THE COMING OF MASHIACH...BEFORE THE WORLD'S "END" AS WE KNOW IT. Hashem is showing us the real faces of the people...and it's not enough to have a "good" person COVER-UP or to wear a "religious" COVER-UP...for those that do...And's it's not enough to do CHESED/ KINDNESS. EMET & CHESED must go together!