

אישה שהולכת בחוסר צניעות, היא גם מצד עצמה המפסידה הגדולה, כי היא מאבדת את השפע הגדול, שראויה היתה ל

אישה שהולכת בחוסר צניעות, היא גם מצד עצמה המפסידה הגדולה, כי היא מאבדת את השפע הגדול, שראויה היתה לקבל, ו והיא מחזקת את הכוחות השליליים , של הגברים בכך שמהרהרים בה , או חושקים בה, וכחות אלה יונקים את השפע שלה הפנימי, והשפע של חייה., קרי מאבדת את חיותה, באמצעות , לא עלינו הפסד פרנסה, בעיות בריאות, בעיות עם ילדים, עם הבעל שלום בית וכו. וכמובן שמעבר לפסד הפרטי שלה, גם הגבר רחמנא לצלן, גם מפסיד , כי הוא מאושם בסיבתה, דבר שיכול לגרום לו לירידה גדולה בקדושתו ופגם שמירת הברית.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

True Touching Stories of Miracles that took place...

להלן סיפורים קטנים על מעשים גדולים: - 

3. גברת . . . מארצות הברית שקיבלה על עצמה שלא לצאת חלילה בלא כיסוי ראש
מלא כהלכה מחוץ לביתה.  האשה יצאה רגע למרפסת ופתאום נסגרה בפניה דלת
המרפסת שאי אפשר היה לפתחה מבחוץ, וכדי להיכנס לביתה צריכה היא לרדת למורד
הרחוב,  לעשות סיבוב ובעזרת לחצן מסוים תוכל להיכנס.  ומשום שהייתה בביתה לא
היה כיסוי לראשה )הואיל וקבלתה הייתה ללכת בכיסוי ראש מלא רק מחוץ לבית.( פלאפון היה ברשותה
והיא החליטה להתקשר למשרד של בעלה כדי שיבוא ויפתח לה את דלת הבית,  בעלה
ששמע את הדבר אמר לה: "השתגעת?! שימי יד על הראש ותצאי! בשביל כזה דבר אני
אפסיד זמן של עבודה?"  אך האשה בשלה ואמרה "אני נשארת כאן עד שתגיע!" בעלה
ראה שאין מנוס,  נסע במהירות לביתם,  ובדיוק באותה שעה קלה שעזב הבעל את
"בניני התאומים"  ששם עבד,  התפוצץ בנין אחד,  שבו המטוס פגע,  בדיוק בקומה שבה 12 סיפורים קטנים על מעשים גדולים
הבעל עבד! כך שבטוח הוא לא היה צריך להיות בין החיים. אחרי המקרה הניסי האשה
ובעלה התחזקו והיא קיבלה על עצמה ללכת בכיסוי ראש גם בביתה.

a true story..............סיפור אמיתי וניתן לאישור, הפרטים שמורים במערכת.

רופאה צנועה ומפורסמת סיפרה, שהתקשרה אליה אשה וסיפרה לה שהיא ילדה תינוק בריא ושלם.
אחרי 10 ימים קיבל חיידק בראשו ונהיה צמח במצב קשה, שאפילו העיניים שלו לא זזו.
הרופאה חשבה וביקשה בליבה, שה' יעלה במחשבה מה יש ליולדת לתקן, והנה הבריק לה רעיון ש...אולי זה תלוי בראשה של היולדת.
הרופאה שאלה את האשה "מה את לובשת על ראשך?" וזו סיפרה שלכבוד הלידה, קנתה פאה.
הרופאה אמרה לה: "קחי מהר את הפאה ותזרקי אותה למטה ל"צפרדע" הירוק, שלא יישאר 
אפילו בפח שבביתך". והסבירה לה בענין כיסוי הראש עד כמה אשה חייבת בכיסוי ראש מלא. 
זאת הייתה משימה לא קלה כלל, אך בסופו של דבר היא קיבלה על עצמה לעבור למטפחת.
תוך כמה ימים הילד התעורר והוא בריא ושלם.
הסיפור אמיתי וניתן לאישור, הפרטים שמורים במערכת.

4.                            בנים מזכים את אבותיהם – סיפור מרגש

סיפור אמיתי שארע בליל שב"ק פ'  נשא שנה שעברה )תשס"ד(. "היה זה בליל שבת"
מספרת מ. "הקצתי בבעתה מחלום נורא ומבהיל שנגלה לעיני.  אני רואה את דודי ר'
ישעיהו ז"ל,  יושב בפינה מוארת,  פניו טובות והוא נראה שמח.  ניגשתי אליו ושאלתי
לשלומו,  תוך כדי דיבור שאלתי 'איפה אבא שלי?' )שנפטר לפני כ-7 שנים ממחלה( הוא הצביע
לעבר כוך אפל ושחור. נדהמתי. הסתכלתי וניסיתי לזהות את הפנים הרעות והמיוסרות
שנגלו מולי. "אבא" צעקתי בבהלה "מה זה? למה אתה נראה כך? איפה אתה?" בעיניים
עצובות הוא הביט בי ואמר "אני בגיהנום, אני רוצה לאכול" רעדתי כולי ואמרתי "למה
אתה צריך אוכל?  בעוה"ב הרי לא אוכלים?"  "אוכל זה צניעות בתי!  בעוה"ב,
הצניעות שלכן זה האוכל שלנו".  התעוררתי והתחלתי לבכות,  עברה עלי שבת
מבולבלת,  ישבתי וקראתי תהילים ולא נרגעתי.  במוצאי שבת מייד צלצל הטלפון,  על
הקו אני שומעת את קולה החנוק של אחותי בוכה ומספרת לי את החלום שחלמה,
אותו חלום בדיוק נמרץ !  קשה לתאר את סערת הרוחות שאחזה בנו.  6 שיחות טלפון
באותו לילה גילו ש-6 אחיות חלמו אותו חלום באותו לילה. ויהי לפלא.
ביום ראשון ניגשנו אל הגה"צ ר'  חיים קנייבסקי שליט"א והוא אמר: "משפט רשעים
בגיהנום שנים עשר חודש,  ב"ה אבא שלכן כבר הגיע לשלב האחרון בזיכוך של הנשמה ועכשיו
הגיע לגיהנום!  ואתן חייבות להתחזק בצניעות לעילוי נשמתו". מיד קיבלנו על עצמינו
התחזקות כללית בתפילות ובעיקר בצניעות.  זרקנו בגדים שאינם בדיוק עפ"י כל גדרי
הצניעות, את הפיאות הפסקנו לחבוש ועברנו לכיסוי ראש אמיתי כפי דעת כל הפוסקים.
יהי רצון שזכויות אלו יעמדו בשמים לאבא היקר לנו כל כך.
טלפון לבירורים לאמיתות הסיפור: 6546873636

הנה ימים באים בעניין פאה

more stories:

Rav Mutzafi, shlita:
אשה צנועה מכפרת על בני ביתה וזוכה לאור עצום בעולם הזה ובעולם הבא. לא
צנועה השכינה מסתלקת ממנה, ובגלל זה יש אסונות וחולאים נוראים ומעל
כולם זו הפיאה נכרית. שמעתי מפי מנהל מחלקה אנקולוגית במכון שרת הדסה
עין כרם שאמר שבתקופה בה התגלה כי הפיאות משיער של עבודה זרה בהודו
ורבים עברו למטפחות ירד מספר ילדים חולים במחלקה לשנים עד שהיה צורך
לפטר את כל עובדי המחלקה, ומיד שחזרו לפיאות יש היום למעלה מחמישים
ילדים חולים מאושפזים במחלקה מחוץ לנמצאים בחופשה בבתיהם. השם ירחם. "

as per Rav Ben Tzion Mutafi on parashat Balak [] 0:36 minutes into the shiur: spoke to Rav Eliashiv who forbid sheitls, &who said, they don't listen to me ... They say that their wigs do not come from Hodu-Tibet India which is a CLEAR AVODA ZARA GMURA- TOTAL IDOLWORSHIP ..that they bring their hair from Britain, Russia, France, Holland... but it's all SHEKER=LIES > it's all the same ZERA-SEED, same family-they're all the same Chinese and Indian Sources, there's NO FIXING it but through BURNING IT-EIN LA TAKANA EILA SREIFA! .............and ...after there was a BIG REVELATION OF INDIAN WIGS BEING AVODA ZARA ABOUT 3 years AGO, at the time when all frum women took down the wigs for scarves,HOSPITAL IN JERUSLALEM -HADASSAH EIN KAREM in some special radiology mahlaka department as per Professor there, all their kids got cured, the place was empty at the time..!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ADVANCED READERS/VIEWERS/The Secret of a Beautiful Woman - אישה יפה : ומה הסוד שלה :FOR ADVANCED:

FUNNY :) ... translation below


sefer BAMIDBAR,parashat NASO,perek HEI,psukim from 15 and on...

5. Then the man shall bring his wife to the kohen and bring her offering for her, one tenth of an ephah of barley flour. He shall neither pour oil over it nor put frankincense on it, for it is a meal offering of jealousies, a meal offering of remembrance, recalling iniquity. טו. וְהֵבִיא הָאִישׁ אֶת אִשְׁתּוֹ אֶל הַכֹּהֵן וְהֵבִיא אֶת קָרְבָּנָהּ עָלֶיהָ עֲשִׂירִת הָאֵיפָה קֶמַח שְׂעֹרִים לֹא יִצֹק עָלָיו שֶׁמֶן וְלֹא יִתֵּן עָלָיו לְבֹנָה כִּי מִנְחַת קְנָאֹת הוּא מִנְחַת זִכָּרוֹן מַזְכֶּרֶת עָוֹן:

who is the Torah talking about? A woman that was unfaithful to her husband,supposedly; and her husband suspects her being with another man, so he brings her to a cohen. What did the cohen do? 16. The kohen shall bring her forth and present her before the Lord. טז. וְהִקְרִיב אֹתָהּ הַכֹּהֵן וְהֶעֱמִדָהּ לִפְנֵי יְ־הֹוָ־ה:
17. The kohen shall take holy water in an earthen vessel, and some earth from the Mishkan floor, the kohen shall take and put it into the water.
18. Then the kohen shall stand the woman up before the Lord and expose the [hair on the] head of the woman;
18. Then the kohen shall stand the woman up before the Lord and expose the [hair on the] head of the woman; <-WHAT DOES "expose the hair on the head of the woman" MEAN? EXPOSE=means If you are wearing a kisui rosh-hair covering, like a hat, etc, and i'm taking it off -that means i'm EXPOSING your hair. If it's written in the TORAH, ufara et rosh haisha," and he exposed the [hair on the] head of the woman", If it's written in the TORAH, ufara et rosh haisha," and he exposed the [hair on the] head of the woman", than beforehand it was not exposed, ie, the hair was not exposed, ie covered... In simple words: when it says in the 10 COMMANDMENTS: shamor et yom hashabbat, keep (observe) shabbat day-is that clear? Clear.. What does SHAMOR(=keep) mean, how should we keep it? I'll write the word "SHABBAT" in my hand, and I will keep it :) .. or write "SHABBAT" on a wall and put a watchman (a shomer) to observe it...? :) what's SHAMOR? How do u keep shabbat? There is no such commandment in the Written Torah that u can find that you can explain it without the Oral Torah. EIN-NON EXISTANT. Oral Torah: did you ever send your kids to a makolet, a grocery store? yes, with a list, a reshiima. Why with a list(reshima)? Because he forgets, we also forget, so we wrote it down .............. =========================================== = The real reason for Jewish Women’s covering hair is- because G-d said so. But if we want to learn what ‘the why-???’ of the mitzvah is, let’s look into what I’ve learned from Rebbetzins: Y. Edelstein and C. Lugomsky at Ner Le'elef (Jerusalem) along with other various sources...: • First of all, we have to understand that all the mitzvot, the Divine Commandments that were given to us at Mount Sinai- are for our own good! What Ribbono Shel Olam, the Master of the universe  - did for us is he showed us how to have a perfectly normal day and get a skhar=prize for it, a reward for every step. So that our every single action can become a mitzvah (example: even such a simple, very mundane daily action of putting on shoes=first right, then left-and you already got a mitzvah in your pocket).
• Second of all - We love mitzvot! Because they’re the best thing that ever happened to us, we love them, they’re fantastic!
• Third of all – There are different categories of mitzvot which can help you in actualizing aspects of yourself (e.g. as a fact that you’re a human being, as a fact that you’re a Jew, a man, a woman, a mother, a daughter, a father, a son, a spouse, a grandchild, a teacher, a student, )! So when we talk about women’s mitzvot –we’re saying there is such a thing as FEMENINITY, and if we want to CAPITALIZE our femininity , and take that FEMININITY to the ultimate point that it could have gotten to-that’s what women’s mitzvot can do for you.
IT’S ABOUT : S P R E A D - Y O U R - W I N G S - A N D - F L Y !
MAN is- Khesed- compassion.
WOMAN is Gevurah- strength/power.
Gevurah gives the form; it gives the shapes of things. She provides the form, she provides the shape, and she makes the things accessible…
The THREE Special Women’s Mitzvot are: taharat hamishpacha, hallah and ner---were given to Khava, as the Medrash says because the woman brought death into the world; she was the instigator, she was the first, therefore, she’s being charged for bringing life into the world. In this case, we’re talking about 3 aspects of life:
 taharat hamishpacha brings kedusha (=bringing it aside, making it special/holy i.e. when you mekadesh something you free it from all restraints, you separate it from anything that could hold it back from becoming the ultimate thing it could be—i.e. by mekadesh-ing a woman, a man is releasing her from any restraints and separating her from anything that could be getting into her way from becoming the ultimate woman that she can become) into the world. A woman brings KEDUSHA into the home.
 Hallah- is brakha. Gemorah tells us that a man without a wife has no brakha. Why? Because the man is the conduit, he is the pipe for brakha, but the woman receives the brakha, gives it shape and form, and makes it ACCESSIBLE.
 Ner – is light. Light is clarity. Light is being able to see things the way they really are. “Your light will see light”. In a completely dark room, you light a candle, you can see everything. Being able to see direction, being able to see shape, and size and form, where we can go and what we have to work with. And these are the things that women provide.
Tzniut-Dignity: Tzniut is a mida; it’s a character trait. It’s not just a set of behaviors. Tzniut is the ability to hide or CONCEAL that which is distracting, peripheral, irrelevant, and imaginary in order to REVEAL that which is essential, important, and true. It’s not just about a cover up.

Ohz vehadar levusha vetiskhak lyom akharon, mishlei-proverbs(by King Solomon) 25. Strength and beauty are her raiment, and she laughs at the last day.
What is ohz? Ohz is the ability to be prepared and ready to do something new - against the stream, against what everyone else is doing against what’s regular and usual, something that’s hard, with self confidence (not impulse but with knowledge) - understanding all the difficulties and challenges that could be involved in it in order to achieve and benefit from spiritual goals that appear impossible. But we do it all the time, we’re always behaving with ohz.
What is hadar? Splendor, what’s splendor? Hadar is a kind of a beauty. What kind of a beauty is it? Malbim tells us that hadar is that external manifestation of that beauty which is particular for that item. If I have an etrog which is mehudar, it’s not just a pretty etrog, it IS etrog! You want to know Etrog?-You look at the mehudar-etrog. So when we say that a woman has HADAR, we’re saying that every single woman has a beauty which is meyukhad-special, an external manifestation of beauty which is SPECIAL to HER.
The Gemorah says that ein isha eila leyofi”, a WOMAN is for BEAUTY. That means that it’s a halakha lemaase: that ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL! That’s it. We don’t have to take this insane narrow androgynous alien looking creature that the WESTERN WORLD considers beautiful, because the Gemorah tells us that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL.
Considering that Ohz vehadar-are two very upfront things-you see a Jewish woman who is pro-active, and she’s attractive, she’s NOT ATTRACTING, That might not go with the incorrect definition of Tzniut. Rather than be shy, retiring and not noticeable, there will be many times that as a Jewish woman she can stick out (e.g. when everyone else is dressed in jeans and T-shirt, she may come dressed adequately/stockings/long sleeves, color up to a neck bone/something on her head-when everybody else may be wearing shorts..)
There’s a deep relationship between Ohz and Tzniut:
We said that we cover up in Tzniut. Why do we COVER up? -In order to REVEAL something that which is the REAL thing. So, the Tzniut in essence means -NOT having a NEED for an EXTERNAL definition of SELF. Not being moved by what’s happening on the outside, we’re defined by our inside, by our hadar, and are actions are dictated by our ohz. We don’t have external definition of self. A person who’s dependant on external definition of self, and therefore dependant on others for approval will lack Tzniut.
An Exaggerated Example: a (hypothetical) woman who is very externally defined, and very dependent on what other people think of her. She’s going to go to a wedding-it’s going to take 6 hours to get ready –not because she enjoys getting ready for weddings, but she’s spending the time crying, she’s spending the time agonizing, she’s spending the time looking at herself in the mirror with loathing and hate; she’s taking every dress out of the closet, and finally, she decides, every hair is in place, the dress, the makeup, everything is totally put together-and what she hopes is what everyone else is doing. And she walks into the wedding hall. And now, once a person comes up to her and says, “oh my G-d, u look fantastic!“ So she’s fine, she’s even more fine, she’s flying. But what if somebody comes up and says, I can’t believe u wore that! That’s it, she’s finished, she’s over; the whole night is over. If- she recovers, it’s going to take her at least a week. So she’s going to try and figure out what’s going to give her a positive feedback. And therefore it might have to be a little louder; it might have to be a little tighter; it might have to be a little lower cut; because then at least somebody’s going to say “wow, you really look incredible!” That’s going to happen. 
..(to be continued)


A Discussion of Two Rabbis – 9 individual questions and answers.
English/Russian/based on Hebrew( 2 Bais Yaakov Teachers)

Hebrew( 2 Bais Yaakov Teachers):

English: A Discussion of Two Rabbis – 9 individual questions and answers.

Russian:Дискуссия двух раввинов - 9 отдельных вопросов и ответов



Rav Elyashiv, shlita

Rav Eiashiv:
this is his RULE
u can look this up
972-3-617-1111-u can hear his complete shiur
there are options in yiddish, hebrew, and english
Gemara and Halocho

For English press "cc" button on the side.

"most of these wigs are cut from DEAD people;a woman died, haval lahem,they want to spare her HAIR from being buried with her, so they sell them for MONEY. So it's POOR people's way of making a living. Hair that was part of a dead person is FORBIDDEN to enjoy......TUMA!

as per Rav Ben Tzion Mutafi [] 0:36 minutes into the shiur: spoke to Rav Eliashiv who forbid sheitls, &who said, they don't listen to me ... They say that their wigs do not come from Hodu-Tibet India which is a CLEAR AVODA ZARA GMURA- TOTAL IDOLWORSHIP ..that they bring their hair from Britain, Russia, France, Holland... but it's all SHEKER=LIES > it's all the same ZERA-SEED, same family-they're all the same Chinese and Indian Sources, there's NO FIXING it but through BURNING IT-EIN LA TAKANA EILA SREIFA!

as per Rav Ben Tzion Mutafi on parashat Balak [] 0:36 minutes into the shiur: spoke to Rav Eliashiv who forbid sheitls, &who said, they don't listen to me ... They say that their wigs do not come from Hodu-Tibet India which is a CLEAR AVODA ZARA GMURA- TOTAL IDOLWORSHIP ..that they bring their hair from Britain, Russia, France, Holland... but it's all SHEKER=LIES > it's all the same ZERA-SEED, same family-they're all the same Chinese and Indian Sources, there's NO FIXING it but through BURNING IT-EIN LA TAKANA EILA SREIFA! .............and ...after there was a BIG REVELATION OF INDIAN WIGS BEING AVODA ZARA ABOUT 3 years AGO, at the time when all frum women took down the wigs for scarves,HOSPITAL IN JERUSLALEM -HADASSAH EIN KAREM in some special radiology mahlaka department as per Professor there, all their kids got cured, the place was empty at the time..!
Rav Mutzafi, shlita:
אשה צנועה מכפרת על בני ביתה וזוכה לאור עצום בעולם הזה ובעולם הבא. לא
צנועה השכינה מסתלקת ממנה, ובגלל זה יש אסונות וחולאים נוראים ומעל
כולם זו הפיאה נכרית. שמעתי מפי מנהל מחלקה אנקולוגית במכון שרת הדסה
עין כרם שאמר שבתקופה בה התגלה כי הפיאות משיער של עבודה זרה בהודו
ורבים עברו למטפחות ירד מספר ילדים חולים במחלקה לשנים עד שהיה צורך
לפטר את כל עובדי המחלקה, ומיד שחזרו לפיאות יש היום למעלה מחמישים
ילדים חולים מאושפזים במחלקה מחוץ לנמצאים בחופשה בבתיהם. השם ירחם. "

For our dear lubavitch women, a bit of info that might clear some things up:



And to a good and long life, Hagaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv, Shlita, said to someone who was entreating him to reveal his opinion on the issue, “Why do you ask me   for my opinion, will you heed what I say” And after that person had entreated him and explained that he really wanted to know, Hagaon HaRav Eliyashiv, Shlita, said, “The majority of `Poskim’ forbid, there are two or three that permit, but even they did not intend the permission of today’s wigs.
Also the Gaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, said, “If it resembles human hair, it is true that it is a simple deduction that it is definitely forbidden, there is no difference of opinion."

The Gaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z”tl, always expressed (and also the Mashgiach, Hagaon HaRav D. Segal, Shlita, would mention this in his sermons): “Why are they complaining that in the previous generations our women wore wigs? Is it not so that in the previous generations the wigs resembled steel wool, stubble, and straw?

Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi: לפני הכל אנחנו יהודים וצריכים לשמור על חקי הצניעות , על דברים שהם בנפש האומה , בדור שהפריצות נושאת ראש בכל מקום , והנשים לומדות ומקנאות האחת מחבירתה ללא מעצורים . 

הפיאה אינה שנויה במחלוקת , כי רוב מכריע של הפוסקים אשכנזים וספרדים אסרוה , וגדולה מזו בדורנו שנשים חובשות פיאות העולות אלפי !!! דולרים ושייכות לגרועות שבאומות והם פרוצות לחלוטין , כל מיעוט הפוסקים שהתירו עקרונית פיאה אסרום לחלוטין .

כל בר דעת יודע ומבין ואפילו עם הארץ שאין לו שיח ושיג בתורה יודע שהפיאה היא אביזר מובהק של יצר הרע , וגדולי הרבנים ששוחחתי אתם אמרו לי שבודאי שעל פיאות כאלה לא עלה על דעת איש להתיר .

ועל כל אלה כל הפיאות ששערן טבעי ידוע לי אישית כי מקורן מהמזרח הרחוק שם מוקרבות לעבודה זרה , ומשם עושות דרכן במרמה גלויה אל ארצות אירופה ומשווקות אצל ה״חרדים״ כפיאות שמקורן מאירופה .

זה לא אחרי הכל , אלא קודם כל .

recommended blog post worth looking at that quotes more Gedolim:
Why is Am Israel suffering so much? Why are there so many illnesses? Why so many tragedies in Am Israel? Why are we suffering so much? Why are there so many widoes and orphans in Am Israel? Why is Am Israel drowning in pain, lack of livlihood, illnesses, suffering?

Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita
What I'm saying is from the Gdolei HaDor and poskim and not from my heart and my mind. 200 years ago Hagaon Pinchas Levy Horwitz, zs'kl, the Av Bet Din in Frankfurt took out a sefer Torah and with 2 talmidei Chachamim Dayanim, he placed a complete cherem (total exclusion of a person from the Jewish community) on any woman that wears a wig in public. He said on the Sefer Torah that any woman wearing a wig will be placed on the highest ecclesiastical censure.

The reason a wig is prohibited is because it is not modest - it doesn't matter if the hair of the wig comes from India or Ghana - it remains immodest.

The Vilna Gaon, Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Abraham Palággi, zs'kl, as well as additional Gaonim prohibited women to wear wigs. The Gaon Vosner Shlita wrote in his sefer that wearing any form of a wig is absolutely prohibited.

Every women that wishes her sons to be Tzaddikim, the Zohar HaKadosh writes, "she must be modest." Women that wear wigs do not have Yirat Shamayim - fear of heaven. The biggest problem is these women think it's allowed and they deny the Tzaddikim's cherem. Those that make fun of women that are modest and cover their hair with kerchiefs, their sin is multifaceted, oy to them.

If a woman wants to cover her hair with kerchief but her husband doesn't allow her, he is considered a wicked man, a sinner that causes others to sin, oy to him. His Torah is invalid and unacceptable. All his deeds are corrupt.

If we don't believe our Poskim and Gaonim that said that wigs are prohibited, who are we going to believe?

Posek HaDor HaGaon Rabbi Shmuel HaLevy Vosner Shlita
What benifit is a kosher Mezuza if the impurity enters the Jewish home?. A wig's origin is from Tachtit Sheol (lowest hell). We are witnesses that we want to be Bnei Torah and simoutaneously enjoy the 'modern' world. The wives wears immodest clothing that comes from the central immodest country - Paris. Women need to cover their hair in the upmost modest way but unfortunately, in many Jewish homes, many Jewish women has turned the Halacha into a performance and Jewish married women do not look religious. They don't even look like they are married women; they look more like actresses from the 'streets'. They don't look like holy women, they look like Paris fashion. ChaZaL says, "שיער באישה ערווה" hair on a woman is forbidden. What a forgery it is to cover hair with hair!! The wig is more sexually stimulating than natural hair. What forgery!!!

Whether women that wear wigs know or do not know that it's forbidden, they are sinners that cause others to sin חוטאים ומחטיאים. They cause their neighborhood and community to transgress a severe Torah prohibition, "ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם do not go after your heart and your eyes".

HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shalom Shvadron, zs'kl
I want to tell you a true story and I wish it was not a true story. 25 years ago a girl came to our house and she spoke to my wife for 4 hours. While I was sitting and learning, I thought to myself that any person that speaks for 4 hours must need a drink. I told my wife, "perhaps give this girl a drink and something to eat?" The girl heard me and said to my wife, "it's not necessary. I'm going home and I'll eat and drink at my home." When she said that I realized this girl is married and has a husband. So why does she look like a girl? You think it's funny??? It's not funny!!! They want to look like unattached women. This 'wanting' is טְרֵפָה unfit, not Kosher!

The Torah says, "ופרע ראש האשה …and let him uncover the head of the woman". A woman that was not faithful to her husband, a Sotah, is disgraced. They disgrace her by removing her hair covering and now, women want to look like a Sotah???!!! A married woman wants to look like a Sotah??? She wants to look like a girl, that she's not married and available? A woman that wears a wig is as if she does not cover her hair! Stupid women! How can a woman like you have fear of Heaven? A woman that wears a wig has no holiness. Who gave women permission to wear hair on top of their hair? To wear a wig that looks better than her own hair and it doesn't even look like a wig! 24 Poskei HaDor of Israel forbid wigs. My grandfather ruled that Divrei Torah or even a blessing is forbidden to say infront of women that wears wigs. The only way Divrei Torah or a blessing can be said in such a situation is with closed eyes.

Women with wigs light the Shabbat candles Friday night and request 'things' from HaShem. OY VEY GEVALD!!!! She is praying to HKB'H? Her prayers are abomination! מסיר אזנו משמוע תורה גם תפילתו תועבה" A person that does not listen to Torah scholars, his prayers are abomination." HaShem will not listen to these prayers. In this black epidemic, rachman litzlan, who knows what Divine punishment is knocking on our door? HaShem have mercy on us.

HaGaon HaTzadik Rabbi Dan Segal Shlita
People come and tell me that they have hard tests but it is not from secular people, the tests are from Charedim. Women attract attention, especially married women. One look, one thought, HaShem protect us, it's a complete destructable fire. It's terrible, terrible! The evil inclination works 24 hours a day. It's horrible they consider it to be a head covering. The whole thing is ludicrous! I personally heard from my teacher and Rebbi, HaGaon Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zs'kl, one of the world's foremost poskim and roshei yeshiva, 50 years ago he said that a woman wearing a wig entering Yerushalayim would be stoned. He said, "50 years ago the wigs looked like straw - even a blind person was able to see that it was a wig. But today, I cannot know if a woman is covering her hair or not." He added, "For me this is very repulsive. It's like someone who eats Kosher meat but makes every effort for the meat not to look Kosher. Women cover their hair and makes every effort to appear as if her hair is not covered."

Who can afford to carry this sin? It is promiscuity.

Many women want to cover their hair modestly but the bigger problem are their husbands - they will not allow it. It's not a simple time - we don't need, c'v, for HKB'H to send us sharper and clearer messages. HaShem is already shaking up the world - it's enough hint. We need to be modest as it says, "כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה "The King's daughter is all glorious within."

The main thing is modesty! Blessings, abundance, success begins with modesty. The Chofetz Chaim, zs'kl, says, "We pray so much, we learn so much, why there are no heavenly blessings? Why there is no livlihood? Why so many are so poor? The Chofetz Chaim says it is because we are not careful with modesty. We pray, learn, and make Brachot next to ערוה nakedness.

Oy, the weakness! What's left for HKB'H? Who remains loyal to HaShem? Very few individuals! Who observes modesty? It's like a father and all his sons betrayed him. Only one remained loyal but soon this son will also betray him and leave him. How much pain??? If we, the religious Jews, do not observe the Torah and its Mitzvot, what is left?

HaRav Uri Sofer Shlita
The Gerrer Rebbe, the Imrei Emet, z'skl, and the Chofetz Chaim announced in the largest gathering in 1918 of Jews and Rabbanim, "How can the heart of a Jew not shake and fear from the punishment of "לא יראה בך ערוות דבר ושב מאחריך He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you."

A few years after this gathering, over 6 million Jews were merciless murdered in the Holocaust War. Women bring the holocaust, c'v, with immodesty to Am Israel.

The Rambam, zs'kl, says there are 24 things that postpone repentance and there are things that cause a person to be judged to remain in Gehenom forever and ever. One of these are "מחטיא את האחרים causing others to sin."

The religious Jews of Am Israel are strict with many Mitzvot such as Kashrut, Matzah on Pesach, sitting in a Succa in Succot, fasting on Yom Kippur -- why are they not careful with modesty which is the core of the Mitzvot? No other Mitzva has so many warnings of punishment as modesty.

A few years ago there was a tremendeous scandal with Indian hair wigs and Jewish women removed their wigs and even burned them and began wearing only modest kerchiefs. We know that nothing is a coincidence and everything is Divine Providence. Why did HKB'H do this? An angel in Shamayim prosecuted Am Israel and it caused Am Israel to go thru a lot of suffering. The angel said to HKB'H "how is it possible that the chosen nation will not give HKB'H their most loved possession? 8 millions Indians sacrifice their hair to a false god and idol, they cut off all their hair to their false god, and the Jewish nation, who are light unto the nations, do not sacrifice their most loved possession for HKB'H?" A women's greatest beauty is her hair. HKB'H commanded women: When you get married, hide your hair because you must distance yourself from strangers. Cover your hair, cover your beauty, so you will be protected, hidden, and modest.

The seculars descended to such low levels because of the religious Jews. They see that we don't observe HaShem's Mitzvot and are not modest. ChaZaL says, "כפי הראש כך הזנב The tail follows the head." If the head is rotten so too the tail.

The key to bring the final redemption is with the women. CHaZaL says, "אין ישראל נגאלים אלא בזכות נשים צדקניות" Am Israel will not be redeem because of men, Rabbanim or Tzaddikim, only thru the merit of holy women. A woman that observes modesty, it is as if she is doing 100s of Mitzvot every second. Every drop of sweat that she sweats because she is dressed modestly, it becomes tal (dew) and this tal will be used for the resurrection.

Women of Am Israel - you must be strict and observe the laws of modesty and it will be in your merit that we will be redeemed speedily in our days, Amen.

To watch the video, click here

****For our advanced readers only:

oz vehadar levusha,r'falk. There are 4 reasons why a married woman should cover her hair even when she is at home and no one besides her husband can see her.

reason1-opinions that hair is covered indoors, mid'rabanan.According to most opinions, when a woman is in the total privacy of her home she has no halachic obligation to cover her hair. HOWEVER, some opinions maintain that a woman must cover her hair EVEN in the privacy of her home, EXCEPT when her physical needs require that her hair be uncovered e.g. when showering. Since the hair of married woman has been labeled as ervah by Chazal, they consider it a lack of tzniut to leave hair uncovered EVEN in private. The Mishnah Brura is of the opinion that one should preferably be stringent in this matter(Biur Halacha 75:2 s.v. Michutz) ... On contemplation, a person must be overwhelmed at the kedusha which permeates every aspect of a Jewish person's life. Even when alone, he is aware of the "Presence" and behaves wit the same respect and DIGNITY as when other people are around....

reason2-chazal highly commend tzniut practiced in privacy: The Poskim write that even the lenient opinion(that maintains that she is not halachically duty-bound to cover her hair in privacy) agrees that it is an extremely PRAISEWORTHY act of tzniut for a woman to cover her hair whenever possible(even in bed). This is evident from the story of Kimchit. This outstanding woman merited having sons who all became Kohanim Gedolim. When asked what notable deed she did to merit having such children she answered, "The ceiling beams of my house never saw the hair of my head"(Yuma 47a). This means that even when she wished to comb her hair she would avoid exposing the hair properly. For example, she combed the hair under a shawl that lay loosely over her head-see Mekorot 83:4
This is an outstanding act of tzniut and it is certainly NOT expected of the AVERAGE woman. However, the basic idea of reducing the exposure of hair to the absolute minimum is certainly to be learned from Kimchit, and her ways should be emulated as far as possible. A a result of this particular form of tzniut, a woman could merit to have children who are great Talmidei Chachamim.
This recommendation is greately strengthened by the fact that the ZOHAR lays very great stress on women covering ALL their hair whenever possible, (as will be mentioned [later]). THEREFORE, although the average woman is certainly not expected to be like Kimchit, the Poskim recommend that she endeavors to follow the words of the ZOHAR and that her hair is kept covered whenever REASONABLY possible-see Magen Avraham 75:5 and Mekorot 23:9-12.

reason3-her husband might say brachot facing her hair: According to the opinions that there is no halachic obligation to cover the hair when in private there is still a serious consideration due to which the Chofetz Chaim recommends that a woman covers her hair. This is that the hair of a married woman is ervah to everyone, even her husband (ערוה שער באשה), and it is ossur for any man to say a bracha or davar shebikdusha when facing the hair even if the woman is in a place where she has no strict obligation to cover her hair (M.B. 75:10.. )
The probability of transgressing the issur should not be underestimated. For example, if a husband or son says a bracha or sings zemirot when facing his wife/mother whose hair iis uncovered he has transgressed an issur. Moreover, any dvar Torah the husband tells his wife will require that he avoids facing her at the time, since when facing her and all the more when looking at her, he is iin a position also to look at her uncovered hair. Similarly, if a husband says kriat shema in his bed while facing his wife whose hair is uncovered he is saying a davar shebikdusha in front of the ervah. Due to the prevalence of these considerable pitfalls, it is highly recommended that a woman covers her hair whenever possible (Chofetz Chaim in Geder Olam, Chapter2 & letter of CC, printed in the sefer Chofetz Chayim al hatorah p..322).

It is CLEAR from the words of the Chofetz Chaim, that he maintains that the opinion which permitsa woman to leave her hair uncovered indoors(Magen Avraham 75:5), allows this ONLY for a SHORT TIME but NOT that she spends the whole day with her hair uncovered. To do so is wrond according to all opinions because it will inevitably cause her husband and sons to say improper braachot. It must also be made clear that even the opinion which is halachically lenient quotes the ZOHAR mentioned above, and recommends that one follows the words of the ZOHAR.

reson4-her hair should be covered for her own brachot...

5-closing comment: Besides all the valid reasons that have been given above, a major point that concerns the welfare of the Jewish people is associated with this issue. This is directly related to the 3rd reason mentioned above, the issur for a man to say a bracha facing uncovered hair. IT is expressed in a letter by the Chofetz Chayim (printed at the end of Chofetz Chayim Al HaTorah page 322). The letter, dated Tammuz 5684 [July 1924], was written at a time when great financial difficulties befell the Jewish people and the Yeshivot were in desperate financial straits. In his letter the Chofetz Chayim attributes all the TZAROT to the fact that WOMEN WERE LAX with the matters of TZNIUT and walked around their homes with uncovered hair , short sleeves and even sleeveless dresses. This caused their husbands and sons to say many brachot in front of the ervah, which is a profanation of Hashem's name. The Chofetz Chayim writes as follows (translated loosely, but as accurately as possible):-

"Chazal say that all parts of female body that should be covered are ervah. Today, due to our many sins, serious breaches occur concerning this halacha. The yetzer horah entices women to go around in their houses with uncovered hair, sleeveless dresses and deeply cut out necklines, in a way that almost wherever a person looks he faces ervah. As a result of this, many of the brachot he says in his own house or when he davens at home facing his wife or grown up daughter are 'improperly made brachot', as they are said facing ervah.
"As everyone knows, a bracha contains the holy name of Hashem. When a bracha is said properly the bracha brings blessings upon the person as the verse says, bechol makom asher azchir at shemi avo eilecha uverochticha, 'Wherever you mention My name [in a respectable manner] I shall come and bless you [with wealth]' (Shemot 20:24). The same applies in the reverse, G-d forbid. When brachot are said facing ervah this causes poverty, as Chazal say (Nedarim 7b), עניות מצויה בכל מקום שהזכרת השם מצויה שם-'In all places where the name of Hashem is mentioned [improperly] poverty is to be found.' ....Consequently, it should not surprise us that the Heavenly blessings cease to flow and that people's earnings have dwindled drastically etc"

Such are the bitter fruits of undermining a support pillar of kedushat Yisrael. It is exactly as was predicted in the ZOHAR quoted in full {see below}

GREAT DAMAGE IS DONE BY EXPOSING HAIR: All opinions agree that Kabbalistically a woman harms herself, her husband and children by partially exposing some of her hair.

Moreover, those that leave some hair uncovered usually do so in order to look more attractive and from the Zohar it is evident that when the hair is uncovered to attract attention, the harm and damage done is even greater.
The importance attached by the Poskim to this ZOHAR is quite exceptional. The Magen Avraham, Mishnah Berura, and Chatam Sofer hardly ever mention Kabbalistic opinions in the context of a halachic analysis. In this matter however, they all quote the ZOHAR HAKADOSH (Naso, page 125) and strongly recommend that one heeds its warning. See Magen Avraham 75:4, Mishnah Berura 75:14, and Chatam Sofer O.C.36.

The ZOHAR says the following(the original Aramaic can be found in Mekorot 25:1-2):-
Rabbi Chizkia said, 'Cursed be the man who allows his wife to expose hairs of her head beyond their covering. Covering the hair is one of the acts of modesty that should be performed even in the home (i.e. not just in public). The woman who allows some of her hair to be uncovered in order to exhibit it causes poverty to descend on her home, her children not to reach prominence they could have achieved, and an impure spirit to dwell in her home. What precipitates such misfortunes? The hair that she exposed within her house! If the effect of an indoor exposure is such, imagine what damage is caused by exposing hair outdoors.....A woman should, therefore, ensure that not even a single hair is uncovered even when she is indoors, and all the more so when she goes outdoors.'
sorry for the broken  English in this translated videos, but that's what's available...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Скрытая Красота

Скрытая красота
 Сара-Эстер Крисп

 Сдержанная. Скромная. Тихая. Застенчивая. Скрытная. Эти прилагательные, вероятнее всего, не рисуют в воображении образ героини. Не похоже, чтоб они описывали человека, способного пожертвовать ради других своей жизнью, публичную персону, политическую фигуру, человека, наделенного авторитетом и властью. Но они описывают. Эти самые слова описывают царицу Эстер, женщину, чьи тело, разум, душа и действия повлияли на реальность и изменили мир. Конечно в борьбе с указом об уничтожении еврейского народа у Эстер была помощь и поддержка Мордехая, но тем не менее только Эстер была способна осуществить план спасения и, более того, предвидеть и понять, каким образом он должен быть осуществлен. И это она настояла на том, чтобы история Пурима была записана и читалась из года в год, ибо знала, что она всегда будет значима для еврейского народа. Вот почему Мегила, "Свиток Эстер", ставший частью Торы и читаемый в Пурим, назван в ее честь. Эстер стала царицей против своей воли. Она была выбрана из-за своей исключительной красоты, но на самом деле царя привлекло к ней то, что он как раз не видел. Прежняя царица, Вашти, была женщиной, которая обеспечивала внимание к себе, показывая свое обнаженное тело на дворцовых торжествах. Хотя тело ее и было привлекательным, но это было ее единственной положительной чертой. Когда она не смогла блеснуть фигурой из-за ужасной сыпи и нарывов на коже, ей было нечего больше продемонстрировать, и в результате она лишилась не только царского трона, но и своей жизни. Хотя Эстер по идее была выбрана в царицы за свою внешнюю красоту, комментаторы считают удивительным, что ее нашли привлекательной, ибо ее внешность была отнюдь не самой прекрасной. В Талмуде сказано, что у Эстер был зеленоватый цвет лица, но что при этом она обладала определенным изяществом (трактат Мегила, 13а). Наши мудрецы учат, что когда чьи-то внутренние качества возвышены и прекрасны, то они проявляются вовне так, что человек воспринимается красивым. Это один из главных мотивов фрагмента Эшет Хайиль, "Добродетельная жена", из Притчей царя Соломона, который учит нас: "Обманчива прелесть и тщетна красота – лишь женщина, боящаяся Г-спода, достойна похвал". Мы даже видим, что Эстер пошла на все, чтобы скрыть свою внешность, т.к. не хотела понравиться царю. И не будь на то святой причины и необходимости, чтобы она оказалась во дворце, Эстер, вероятнее всего, была бы оценена лишь внешне, и тогда у нее не было бы ни одного шанса быть выбранной. Но у нее определенно была миссия, для выполнения которой ее выбрал Всевышний, и поэтому ее внутренний мир был увиден; и поэтому ни одна другая женщина не могла составить ей конкуренцию. Так что с самого начала взаимоотношений между Эстер и царем, очевидно, что его привлекла ее внутренняя глубина, и именно при помощи этого она затем была способна совершать нужные для спасения ее народа манипуляции. Хотя Эстер и является царицей, она тем не менее не может никому раскрыть свое еврейство. По еврейским законам, если чья-то жизнь в опасности, то разрешено нарушить еврейский закон. Но Эстер позаботилась о том, чтобы в своем положении следовать не только духу закона, но также и его букве. Она смогла создать такое расписание, что каждый раз в Шаббат к ней приходила другая прислуга, чтобы никто не смог узнать, что в эти дни она ведет себя не так, как обычно. Благодаря желанию поддерживать свое еврейство, она нашла способ делать то, что должна была делать, таким образом великолепно исполнив один из принципов Торы о том, что "нет ничего, что могло бы устоять перед желанием" (Зогар, ч. II, с. 162б). Именно поэтому Эстер смогла подойти к царю, несмотря на то, что он ее не звал. Она знала, что рискует, знала, что он мог казнить ее за непослушание; но она также знала, что это было необходимо, и знала, что Б-г защитит ее. И хотя Эстер приходилось действовать в одиночку, она никогда не чувствовала себя "театром одного актера". Она знала, что у нее была миссия, что она была избрана стать тем инструментом, при посредстве которого наступит спасение, но это вовсе не что-то, не требующее посторонней помощи. Она не только постоянно обращалась к Мордехаю за советом и наставлением, но прежде чем прийти к царю, она попросила, чтобы весь еврейский народ постился и молился о ее успехе. Как царица она понимала истинный смысл того, что верный способ управлять – это не когда ты контролируешь других, а когда ты представляешь их. Она могла пойти на такой огромный риск, только действуя от имени, по воле и желанию всего еврейского народа. Если бы она действовала сама по себе, руководствуясь своими собственными мотивами и желаниями, и думая, что ей не нужна никакая посторонняя помощь, неизвестно, добилась ли бы она успеха. И поэтому, когда Эстер вошла в покои царя, она была благосклонно принята, и не только принята, но также получила возможность просить о чем угодно, вплоть до половины царства. Само имя Эстер символизирует путь ее жизни и исполнения ее миссии. Корень имени Эстер на иврите означает "скрытый". Часто мы думаем, что если человек что-то прячет, то это из-за смущения или дискомфорта. Современная концепция звучит как "имеешь – покажи". Продемонстрируй миру, что ты можешь ему предложить, будь открытым, будь публичным, и чем больше - тем лучше. Быть никому не известным героем не так уж захватывающе. Но при этом нужно проанализировать мотивы человека. Если человек хочет продемонстрировать всем, что он может предложить, на что он способен, тогда да, лучше открыть это, придать огласке. Но если человек хочет использовать свои возможности для высшей цели, для достижения большего добра, а не только для удовлетворения собственного эго, то тогда лучше начать делать это скрыто, без огласки, так, чтобы достичь цели. Забавно, что Вашти во многом представляет наш современный взгляд на женщину. Она уверенная в себе, привлекательная, общительная, бесстрашная и наглая. Она не видит никакой проблемы в том, чтобы продемонстрировать свое обнаженное тело целому залу людей, чтобы подразнить и развлечь их. Однако ее цель сугубо эгоистична. Она ни печется ни о чем другом, кроме своего я. Поэтому, как только ее тело перестает хорошо выглядеть и быть привлекательным, она прячется. Эстер все время остается сокрытой, но с целью суметь быть увиденной. И когда она способна раскрыться, она выглядит не как тело для использования другими, но как героиня, как та, что представляет святость, и кто думает не только о себе, но и своем народе. Как сказано в Талмуде: "Благословение пребывает на том, что скрыто от глаз" (трактат Таанит, 5б). Возможно, это действительно захватывающе - оказаться на страницах газет и журналов, демонстрируя свои достижения, но величайшие достижения держатся в секрете. Самые важные инновации и достижения, будь то область медицины, технологии, науки или обороны, идут под грифом "Совершенно секретно", "Строго конфиденциально" и скрыты за семью печатями. В то время как Вашти могла бы попасть на обложки всех журналов, именно Эстер, оставаясь за кадром, стала женщиной, действительно изменившей мир. Эстер олицетворяет слова Писания "Все достоинство царской дочери внутри". Слово пнима (внутри) – это тоже самое, что пнимиют - внутренний мир человека, его духовная составляющая. Это и есть Эстер. Понимая истинное значение скрытости, она открыла еврейскому народу вечный урок на все времена. Перевод Анны Каллер Сара-Эстер Крисп Авторские права на содержание данной страницы принадлежат автору и/или Представлено сайтом Вам понравилась эта статья? Мы будем рады, если Вы посодействуете в ее распространении - конечно, при условии соблюдения авторских прав. 

the last war:

Chanukah?What did Maccabim fight for?What are we fighting for in -the last war: EMET vs. SHEKER / TRUTH vs. QUASI-TRUTH ie FALSEness-can 6*6=11.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999?
just like there can be no 6*6=almost 12, the same,there is no almost TRUTH. The Truth does NOT require any MASQUES....AND THIS IS WHAT WE SEE RIGHT NOW...THE TIME BEFORE THE COMING OF MASHIACH...BEFORE THE WORLD'S "END" AS WE KNOW IT. Hashem is showing us the real faces of the people...and it's not enough to have a "good" person COVER-UP or to wear a "religious" COVER-UP...for those that do...And's it's not enough to do CHESED/ KINDNESS. EMET & CHESED must go together!